General Terms and Conditions:

1.    Kindly note that any further changes are not permitted.
2.    This receipt will be accept as a proof ticket without any changes to the computerized boarding pass ticket at KL Sentral only.
3.    Seat numbers may change without prior notice due to unavoidable circumstances.
4.    Please redeem this receipt with the computerized boarding pass to the bus ticketing counter at KLIA1 or least 30 minutes before departure time 
5.    Passenger will just need to show the boarding pass as proof to the checker before entering the bus.
6.    Passengers are strongly advised not to bring any item(s) which are fragile and perishable goods.
7.    No foods, drinks & pets are allowed on board.


Cancellation Policy:

With in 24 hours from the station departure time 50% Cancellation Charges
Between 1 to 2 days before station departure time 25% Cancellation Charges
Between 2 to 30 days before station departure time 0% Cancellation Charges
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